Sunday, November 15, 2009

They are in DC?

I know this makes me sound bad, but i constantly forget that Washington DC has sports teams. Much is the case with the wizards. So the first time the Cavs played the wizards, i had no clue who it was when i saw this. It is a bit of a drastic change from what i found is still the main logo, as they share common aspects but i still do not make the connection separately.

I was confused because all i got to see was the logo before the game started. But this is only one part of the NBA branding changes for the year. Even the NBA has rolled out a new campaign, "en-bee-aye". I had heard that ratings had been down, but it seems that they are trying to change the face a bit. But what is bothering me, is the fact that i have viewed this campaign many times watching games, but cannot find anything otherwise.

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